Edberg Panganiban is now selling maybe the best Christmas stocking stuffer of them all: little resin Animal Crossing…
If there's ever been any doubt, this should settle it. Over the past decade, Nintendo hasn't been doing well in…
It was your home, once. You built it up, and made a lot of friends there. Then you set off on another adventure; on…
The last place I ever expected to see Walter White from Breaking Bad was one of the cute, innocent towns in Animal Crossing. But here he is! A perfect lab and partner for cooking... bells? Read more
Screw municipal management. Nothing matters in Animal Crossing as much as what you’re wearing. So it’s exciting…
There are impressive Animal Crossing towns, and then there's this: an incredible recreation of Koholint from the…
It looks like the Pilotwings stage will be a great one in Super Smash Bros. Wii U. Mario probably freaked out when he realized he's on a plane, chased by The Villager, who doesn't seem to care much about the heights. Read more
This is the Animal Crossing you are used to. The latest issue of CoroCoro Comics certainly isn't.
Usually, when you think that it might be cool if you could buy all your friends a copy of the game you're playing—so…
Check out this bizarre Animal Crossing: New Leaf glitch town that you can visit. How is this possible? I have no idea, but Tiny Cartridge has the dream code details here.
I love that the recycled lines sometimes make your citizens say the silliest things. OH I COULDN'T POSSIBLY PASS UP…
I've turned everyone in town. They're all coffee addicts. They howl at the Roost Café and everything.
Pietro is a scary, creepy clown and I'm not sure if I should harass him to leave town or stay very far away for fear…
This Animal Crossing rap by stagefivetv about hunting beetles and stackin' gold may just be the best Animal Crossing rap yet—if you weren't paying attention to the lyrics, you might mistake it as a normal, everyday hip hop song.
Following this morning's announcement, I downloaded Nintendo's Animal Crossing Plaza app to my Wii U to see what I…