Earlier this week we learned that Gearbox Software's Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming to the Wii U. Today the…
While they've got nothing to show and aren't even sure it's going to happen, Gearbox Software and SEGA want…
The house that Sonic built and later remodeled is bringing their A games to E3 this year with Aliens: Colonial…
When Aliens: Colonial Marines' official game announcement billed it as a "true sequel to James Camerson's classic Ali…
The long-in-the-making first-person shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines is still alive and coming out in the spring of…
This doll head arrived in the mail today. Sender's name on the box that contained it is Rebecca Jorden.
On October 6, Gears of War composer Kevin Riepl tweeted that he thought someone "roofied" him while out drinking.…
Gearbox Software's Randy Pitchford doesn't want you to think that the house of Borderlands and Duke Nukem Forever…
It wasn't supposed to be real. It was supposed to be imaginary. Vapor. Yet, Duke Nukem Forever, a game in…
It's been a long, long time since we saw (or heard) anything meaningful from Gearbox about their promising shooter…
You'd think that with Gearbox working on it, and with it being based on one of the most popular sci-fi films of…
Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox's Aliens shooter, is still very much on, but won't be arriving this year. When it…
SEGA confirmed that its Gearbox-developed Aliens: Colonial Marines is still alive and kicking. As of January, the…
The two baddest aliens in the galaxy square off again next year, as Sega announces a new Aliens vs. Predator title,…
Costa Cruises signed an agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment Italia to put PlayStation 2s and 3s aboard all of…
Bit hard not to be excited about Gearbox's new Aliens shooter. But how can we plan our excitement schedule if we…
Details on Gearbox's Aliens shooter are thin. But excitement is thick. So let's address both those issues with this…
Update: Gearbox president Randy Pitchford tells us that the Sega published Aliens project is still on, that the…
There's no better feeling that getting your hands on an early build of a game few people have played, and Gearbox…
Guests of last week's Gearbox party didn't get a chance to just play Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway and Samba De…