During my interview yesterday Lionhead Studio's Sam Van Tilburgh was pretty mum about the gold-churning glitch that…
Left 4 Dead is very much a zombie apocalypse game — you'll find no deeper meaning here, no Romero-esque political…
Crawling the PAX exhibition hall this afternoon I stumbled upon a smallish booth for Gunnar Opticks. The company is…
Fable 2's pub games was the first cross-over Xbox Live title that let you earn something for a retail game by…
Penny Arcade rockers are getting their own downloadable song pack from Rock Band, MTV Games and Harmonix announced…
Last night's concert at the Penny Arcade Expo was, by all accounts, a pretty amazing thing. Among the bands…
Fable 2 is days, if not hours from going gold, Lionhead Studio's Sam Van Tilburgh told me today. "We have one or…
The Fallout 3 demo was schedule to run in the Main Theater at 2:30 –the exact same time as the Harmonix: The…
The only sign of real-time strategy title Halo Wars at PAX comes during Graeme Devine's presentation of the game…
Just ran into Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb over at the Microsoft booth in the PAX exhibit hall. After a bit of…
I know I've been going on and on and on about the Fallout 3 presence at Penny Arcade Expo, but seriously, they…
Hands-down the best booth on the Penny Arcade Expo show floor is Bethesda's Fallout 3 homage. The central booth…
Bungie unveiled the new Halo 3 map at Penny Arcade Expo, giving convention attendees a chance to beat each other…
Color me skeptical whenever a game convention panel kicks around stuff like "the growing role of women in the game…
I've got a fever and the only cure is more Pac-Man! If you're at PAX and you love Pac-Man, you may want to swing by…
After Crecente snuck onto the PAX showroom floor he headed directly into the throne room itself to get a first hand…
I'm sitting in the cavernous main hall of the Washington State Convention waiting for Penny Arcade Expo 2008 to…
Odd timing or a reminder that while GameStop may not be listing the game anymore, Ghostbusters The Video Game still…
Today's the day - the fangirls are out in force and the cosplayers are carousing in every nook and cranny of the…