The XCOM shooter is looking less like a shooter and more like an XCOM every day.
The XCOM shooter is looking less like a shooter and more like an XCOM every day.
"The XCOM universe is expanding," boasts a recently added post on 2K Games' official blog. It seems we can expect more information on the continually delayed XCOM shooter soon—a welcome change after the complete silence following the sudden disappearance of the game earlier this month. Read more
While everyone gets excited over Firaxis' very-promising XCOM remake, it's easy to forget that there was once anothe…
Earlier this week, 2K Games announced that its Canberra, Australia studio was being shifted from helping with…
This XCOM display, which features no real human beings, is a head-turner here at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle.
The beloved but dormant X-COM series, the strategy game franchise created by Mythos and Microprose, is getting a…
XCOM, The first-person sequel to classic strategy game X-Com, will be released on March 6, 2012, for PC, Xbox 360…
2K Games' BioShock 2 is getting a new single-player focused downloadable game add-on that will include new…
The reason I love XCOM so much, why I'm so worried about its future has likely more to do with a stolen car and an…
The first BioShock game was developed by Irrational Games. The second? 2K Marin. Don't be surprised if the next game…
The Official Xbox Magazine got the first look at 2K's upcoming XCOM title this month, with the first details on the…
The Rapture Metro pack, previously scheduled to arrive this week for BioShock 2 fans hungry for more of the…
Thanks to a confusing set of press releases and an even more confusing name change, most people aren't sure who to…
Now that BioShock 2 is out, a sequel that didn't initially didn't seem "necessary" but, upon release, sure played…
We at Kotaku now know what it's like to have a release date slip. Tomorrow, thanks to the melting of yesterday's New…
Into the deep we go this week as Bioshock 2 creative director Jordan Thomas joins me and Brian to take your calls…
Steve Gaynor, a designer at 2K Marin, understands that he works in an entertainment field, and provides a product…
BioShock was designed by Ken Levine and developed by 2K Boston. BioShock 2 is not. Levine is not working on the…
A month before its release, special deliveries from the BioShock 2 viral website are still showing up at people's…