A month before its release, special deliveries from the BioShock 2 viral website are still showing up at people's doors. This time, the packages contain a chess piece and a coded telegram from the "International Order of the Pawns."
Reader J.P. says way back in September he wrote to the address one finds on the site, rather cleverly playing along with the premise of the viral marketing narrative and offering to "keep an eye on the water and report any unusual findings to Mark G. Meltzer (the name on most of the notes from the site.)" J.P. lives in Jersey City, right on the Hudson River.
So today, he - and apparently some others, from looking at the BioShock 2 forums - got another special delivery. A black pawn piece, with a symbol marked on the outside and "H1" written on its base, and then this cryptic telegram, which appears to be a series of chess moves.
Note that J.P.'s is preceded with "I." There seem to be five other codes marked with roman numerals, according to this thread on the 2K Forums, begun sometime Saturday. I don't see that they have the "I." code listed as of writing this, so maybe this will help. Alright, y'all, get crackin'!