The multiplayer mode of BioShock 2 isn't just supposed to be a fun activity for multiple gamers. It's supposed to be…
And now the thrilling conclusion to yesterday's BioShock 2 telegram mystery. The folks who got a cable yesterday…
Today, certain people - we're trying to figure out why - were delivered telegrams by an old-school bicycle…
It's nothing too surprising, but 2K Marin artist Colin Fix has posted on his personal blog the final concept art of…
Your return to Rapture will be a bit delayed, as publisher Take-Two Interactive announced today that BioShock 2…
Like they did with the Big Daddies, 2K have released some concept art for BioShock's tiniest denizens, the Little…
Taking an iconic video game character and reverse-engineering it as a prototype is a delicate task. Let's look at a…
Most of the pleasure I found in playing Bioshock came from the story and the development team's deft use of Ayn…
November 3 is the date for BioShock 2 in North America, but Europeans will get a head start.
Corridor shooter BioShock takes place in underwater city Rapture. BioShock 2 takes place in underwater city Rapture. …
How can you spoil BioShock 2? You already know the gameplay and setting from BioShock — or so you think.
Well, when it comes to exclusives, 2K Marin is putting out. Last week they gave it up for Gametrailers, this week…
Rumors on 2K Marin's BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams began swirling about the 2K Games forums today, flooding the board…
Take-Two has officially set the BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams hype machine in motion, launching a new teaser web site…