If photo books are good enough to revive your digital pics, then surely the same goes for your life in Final Fantasy…
In 2014, it was revealed that Mamoru Samuragochi, who was called “Japan’s Beethoven,” was not actually deaf. What’s…
In what seems like an inevitability, a touring exhibition called Pokémon Kaseki Hakubutsukan (ポケモン化石博物館) or “Pokémon…
BitSummit, Japan’s biggest indie game event, will be held this September in Kyoto. It will, however, not be open to…
After an unconfirmed report that multiple buyers were looking at acquiring Square Enix, the Tokyo-based game maker…
The Japanese media is reporting that a professional stripper has been arrested for stripping at a strip club in…
Recently on Yahoo! Auctions Japan, a seller posted images of unopened Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, writing the following: “This…
Starting April 30, Lawson convenience stores across Japan will be offering a New Pokémon Snap printing service. That…
Former Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made a huge impact on gaming. The exec had the rare combination of technical…
Drink maker Pocari Sweat has made a number of terrific commercials over the years. This latest one, which uses a…
If you’ve been to Tokyo’s Akihabara in the past decade, you’ve seen the large signs for pop group AKB48 on the side…
Famed role-playing game maker Atlus is celebrating a milestone. Today in 1986, the company was founded. Happy…
Today, Osaka posted its highest daily number of covid-19 cases: 719. This is the eighth straight day that covid-19…
Konami has canceled the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2021. This isn’t a first. The event was also canceled last year.
Last month, Kotaku reported that yet another producer departed from the Japan Studio. And this month, we’re…
The Tokyo Olympics, it seems, will hold the opening ceremonies this July. While the finalized plans have yet to be…
If you’ve ever been to Japan (and even if you haven’t), you are probably aware that shoes are a big deal—and…
Last year, the in-person Tokyo Game Show was canceled due to covid-19 concerns. In its place was an online event.…
A 28-year-old Tokyo resident has been arrested for allegedly breaking into a trading card shop atop a six-story…
Famitsu editor Eiichi Sato was arrested for alleged fraud. According to Asahi News, Sato is accused of pulling off…