A trio of Google engineers have ported id Software's gib-filled first-person shooter Quake II to browsers— you…
From the legendary series that founded the online shooter genre comes the most exciting, energetic, and fast-paced shooter on the Internet. Play against players around the world in over 100 arenas, and a dozen game modes, in one of the most competitive shooters online today. Welcome to Quake Live.
A trio of Google engineers have ported id Software's gib-filled first-person shooter Quake II to browsers— you…
As you guys might know, an 8.8 degree earthquake hit my country (Chile) on Saturday at 3:35 a.m. At that time I was with my GF, we had just finished watching some TBBT episodes and we went to bed at 3:25 approx. We were talking and laughing an then the eartquake struck the house, lights went off, I live in an 8th… Read more
Let's give a sound Kotaku welcome to our special guest, Jonathan Knight, Executive Producer at Visceral Games. Ask…
Unpaid Internet Bill Leads to Game-Blamed Stabbing
Comment by: Segador
Nominated by: (Starman) #number258
What Did The Simpsons Ever Do For Video Games?
Comment by: westartedthis
Nominated by: NeöStarr
Fans of Quake Live's brand of free web-based fragging can enjoy some Santa-style gib giving over the next few weeks,…
There's something fantastical about flying in a video game. We can easily run, jump and swim in real life. Flight is…
The old dog-ate-my-controller excuse got a guy out of a 5,000 Microsoft Point purchase, plus Gamertag immortality…
Modern Warfare 2 PC Multiplayer Capped At 9v9
Comment by: Leanid
Nominated by: deanbmmv