The Yakuza series combine deep melodrama with exploration through vibrant city streets. Yakuza Kiwami is a remake…
The Yakuza series combine deep melodrama with exploration through vibrant city streets. Yakuza Kiwami is a remake…
New Super Mario Bros. U is the second-best 2D Mario game. New Super Luigi U is an incredible showcase of inventive…
Historical game sales data can be hard to come by, so I was quite interested to see NPD analyst Mat Piscatella tweet…
It’s fall! The leaves are changing colors, the weather is getting cooler, and new anime shows are debuting. Which…
“Who are you rooting for?” I asked my housemate, a non-player heckler watching a full-up game of Super Mario Party.…
For a couple of years, I ran multiplayer Kotaku Game Nights in bars and pubs around London and Brighton, UK. We’d…
Today on Highlight reel we have baseball pitches, Fortnite hitboxes, No Man’s Sky oddities, and much more.
You no longer have an excuse not to play a Yakuza game.
Eight years ago, Games Done Quick started as a handful of sleep-deprived speedrunners unexpectedly crammed into…
“Game developers don’t like me,” said Sabina Hemmi. “Before I came around, there was no insight into how balanced a…