Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe and I love learning more about the creatures in it. So, Here’s Another Pokemon! It’s Delibird!
Delibird Details
Type: Ice/Flying
Average Height: 2' 11"
Average Weight: 35.3 lbs.
First Added In Generation II
On the first day of Christmas, Delibird gave to me:
A Pidgey in a pear tree
On the second day of Christmas, Delibird gave to me:
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the third day of Christmas, Delibird gave to me:
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the fourth day of Christmas, Delibird gave to me:
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the fifth day of Christmas, Delibird gave to me:
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the sixth day of Christmas, Delibird gave to me:
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the seventh day of Christmas, Delibired gave to me:
Six Shuckles puking,
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the eighth day of Christmas, Delibired gave to me:
Seven Smoochums kissing,
Six Shuckles puking,
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the ninth day of Christmas, Delibired gave to me:
Eight Spectriers kicking,
Seven Smoochums kissing,
Six Shuckles puking,
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the tenth day of Christmas, Delibired gave to me:
Nine Toucannons shooting,
Eight Spectriers kicking,
Seven Smoochums kissing,
Six Shuckles puking,
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, Delibired gave to me:
Ten Politoads shouting,
Nine Toucannons shooting,
Eight Spectriers kicking,
Seven Smoochums kissing,
Six Shuckles puking,
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, Delibired gave to me:
Eleven Whismurs wailing,
Ten Politoads shouting,
Nine Toucannons shooting,
Eight Spectriers kicking,
Seven Smoochums kissing,
Six Shuckles puking,
Five amber Cutieflys,
Four screaming Chatots,
Three weak Dreepys,
Two tasty Swinubs,
And a Pidgey in a pear tree
Okay, but like... that’s too many things Delibird. And some of these gifts suck. I asked for a PS5. Not a bunch of screaming and puking Pokemon.
Random Facts
- I’m not sure what I’m going to do next year for the holidays. Are there any more Pokemon who would work for a special holiday edition of Here’s Another Pokemon?
- If you were wondering, the Cutiefly song was much harder to write than this. And yes, I cheated and included one Pokemon, Pidgey, which I’ve not covered yet. But it fit so perfectly...
- Oh something about Delibird? Here’s a fact: It wasn’t until halfway through the song that I got the pun. Delibird. Deliviered. Ah... clever.
Happy Holidays!
No best comment this weekend! Instead, let me know who your favorite Pokemon I covered in 2020 was or if I didn’t cover your favorite, let me know and I’ll try to fix that in 2021
This year has been a fucking terrible mess, as thousands of others have written about already. I don’t presume to think my silly Pokemon blogs are saving lives. But I do hope that for a few minutes each weekend you folks get to have a bit of laugh and read some silly comments. Tiny distractions like that are the key to making it through shit years like 2020.
Hopefully, 2021 is better and you all have a great rest of the year.