SONY Online Entertainment has asked the games industry at large to contribute to the Gamers In Real Life (G.I.R.L)…
SONY Online Entertainment has asked the games industry at large to contribute to the Gamers In Real Life (G.I.R.L)…
The standard Atari joystick was not designed for comfort. Or for gaming, really, if we are being honest. Retro cool…
So conflicted about this. On the one hand, this must represent exactly the kind of corporate licensing sellout that…
How good is Football Manager 2009's player database? Professional quality, apparently - at least that is the opinion…
LittlerNotAsBigPlanetoid? The December issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly carries a rumor (the second we've heard…
Now, this is more like it. Why can't more trailers be like this? This new Bionic Commando promo takes the brave…
When 2D Boy released World of Goo, they decided to put their trust in gamers' consciences and send it out into the…
It was 25 years ago today, Scott Safran taught the world to play... Asteroids. On this day in 1983, 15-year-old…
If there is one sector that is sure to ride out the economic downturn in some comfort it has to be business…
Well, just fancy that. The results of the Xbox 360 Holiday Entertainment Survey are out and what do you know, this…
Wii owners can look forward to some slightly-more-adequate web browsing real soon now if this rumored upgrade to…
A new survey of portable gamers has revealed that for the most part "portable" can be defined as "will work on the…
The Marware Game Grip we looked at last week might look a bit goofy - and possibly IS a bit goofy - but having a…
PC gamers don't have it easy. Alongside the constant hardware arms race and GPU penis-envy, you have the problem…
Hudson's upcoming Snowboard Riot sounds (and looks, a bit) like a cross between SSX Tricky and Wip3out with plenty…
Two nuggets of Mirror's Edge news fresh from the courier's satchel - the PC version of the free running game will be…
"Digital Marketing" experts Clickz have a theory - casual games are becoming the dominant form of gameplay and are…
A pleasing dollop of screen finery from cross-platform gunblade romp X-Blades. MARVEL at the luminous 'magic is…
An eagle-eyed Belgian gamer at the N.E.X.T. games expo took a pic of what is probably the character select screen…
Creative Director Cardell Kerr and Ryan Bednar, lead designer, take a moment to show off two new character classes…