Owen Good's posts

Owen Good
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If you'd like to see four minutes of gameplay from Infamous: Second Son and you either speak Russian or can read the subtitles, here you go, almost a month before the game's release.

In advance of online support shutting down for Gran Turismo 5 at the end of May, Sony is removing all DLC for the game from the PlayStation Store on April 30. Some, but not all, DLC will be re-downloadable through PSN after then if you already own it. See this link for more details. Read more

It's the middle of the month; that means new games on PlayStation Plus. Tomorrow, Remember Me is free to subscribers on PS3; for PS Vita, it's Street Fighter X Tekken. That means today is your last day to download Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Vita and Poker Night at the Inventory 2 on PS3 before they cycle Read more

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If there could be a scientific explanation for why fanboyism is a destructive force within video gaming, trust PBS (and Kill Screen's Jamin Warren) to find it. "A 2011 study found that ... people have biases against creativity." That's one reason why you're getting sequel after sequel every year.