Jason Schreier's posts

Jason Schreier
News editor. Author of Blood, Sweat, and Pixels.
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NBA Live 19 will allow you to create female players, a first for the video game basketball series. The next entry in the non-2K NBA game will be out on September 9.

Ni no Kuni II is getting three downloadable content packs—first, a free Adventure Pack with new bosses and quests that’ll be out August 9; then, a paid new dungeon this winter and a new story pack in early 2019. The latter two will be included with the $20 season pass.
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One FIFA player in the United Kingdom filed a GDPR request to get EA to send him all of the data they had on him, only to find that he had spent over $10,000 on the game in two years. Check out the full story on Eurogamer.
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Stardew Valley’s multiplayer will officially go live for PC on August 1, with console multiplayer to follow in the future. Enjoy the new trailer, featuring farms that look way, way nicer than yours ever will.

The entertaining (and surprisingly touching) Madden story mode will return for Madden 19, EA said today, promising that this new version of Longshot will offer “more control over Devin Wade and Colt Cruise’s football quest.” Read more