Wonder how things are coming along with Final Fantasy XVI? You’re not alone. Nier creator Yoko Taro does, too, and…

As the virtual Tokyo Game Show grinds on, leave it to Capcom to spice things up with Ryu’s butt cheeks.

Level-5's new action RPG Megaton-Kyuu Musashi is getting an anime adaptation that will debut next summer, the company announced today at the virtual Tokyo Game Show. The mecha game’s release is still TBA, but it’s slated for Switch, PS4, iOS and Android.

Last month, Kotaku reported that the in-person 2020 Tokyo Game Show was canceled and would be an online event. Today, organizers announced that Tokyo Game Show 2020 Online will be held for five days from September 23-27 through an official TGS channel with streams, videos, and an esports tournament.

While E3 and the Tokyo Game Show have been scrapped in favor of virtual events, China Joy will go forward as…

During the Tokyo Game Show, legendary Street Fighter player Momochi forfeited tens of thousands of dollars in prize…

Over the two business days and the two public days, here’s the total attendance tally for this year’s Tokyo Game Show: 262,076 people. That’s down from the 298,690 people who attended last year but more than the 254,311 people who attended in 2017.

I’ll be honest. When Project Resistance was announced, I was skeptical. A multiplayer Resident Evil? Surely, that…