No really. While Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 for the PlayStation 3 upped the overflowing cup count substantially, the new…
Tecmo recently updated the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 cast's wardrobe, offering style savvy ninja masters new, sometimes…
Koei has announced a February release date for Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3,…
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 gets a little bit dressier next week, when a new costume pack goes up for sale on the…
Juggle balls with Ryu, Ayane and friends with a special Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 table for Zen Pinball, coming to the…
Hey, Tecmo and Koei merged. And now their games are merging. Hooray!

Tecmo is bringing motion controlled jubblie juggling to Ninja Gaiden Σ 2. We've seen what men look like playing…

Some men like boobs, some don't. Ninja Gaiden Σ 2 has bouncing boobs in the game. This is probably what said men…
The beginning of the trailer is a very cool, comic book style clip. The rest of it is traditional game trailer…
Team Ninja's not necessarily known for their restraint, as new Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 screen shots helpfully…
The PlayStation 3's motion sensing Sixaxis controller features don't get much attention these days, but Tecmo is…
.html One might think that having tits as big as your head would be a hindrance in pursuing the ninja arts, an…
Here's five minutes or so worth of the co-op gameplay PS3 owners will see when Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 launches this…
Tecmo has announced a late September release date for the PlayStation 3-exclusive Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, with a…
.html The PlayStation 3 version of Ninja Gaiden II, now with extra Sigma, will feature more than just a playable…
Tecmo is bringing Xbox 360 exclusive Ninja Gaiden II and big guns to the PS3 with Ninja Gaiden Σ 2.