You know that feeling you get when you ride a roller coaster? The breathless anticipation, followed by the shrieking…
Guys and gals, it's been a fun three years, but Kotaku's coverage of cosplay has outgrown a mere weekly roundup.
As we've seen, 2014's convention calendar is getting started. So expect the quality of cosplay for the next 6 months…
Some of the hihglights from this week's roundup: a Digimon reunion, vintage Lara Croft, some Attack on Titan and,…
What's in store for this week's cosplay roundup? Well, we've got some Mass Effect. Some Attack on Titan. Some Kiki's…
Persona 3 cosplay. Assassin's Creed IV cosplay. Star Wars cosplay. Hobbit cosplay. All these, and more, on this…
I wonder if Irrational's artists had future cosplay potential in mind when they designed the character of Elizabeth.…
Growing up in Russia in the 1980s and 90s, Dimitri Seizef was inspired by all kinds of dark, moody and dystopian…
Cosplayers LastSoul and GreatQueenLina, along with photographer La-Clover, sure know their Witcher, because…
And so 2013 draws to a close. We've seen a ton of amazing cosplay in our weekly Fancy Pants feature, but what you're…

There is cosplay, and then there is...well, we might need a word that goes beyond cosplay for this.
I feel like I'm about to sit down and watch a performance of Fifth Element: The Musical, this cosplay is that good.…
Yup. Powerpuff girls cosplay. We can all pack up and go home now.
I know, we end up posting a lot of Final Fantasy cosplay here on Fancy Pants, but that's mostly because there's just…
Come on, Poison! We were keeping things heroic, and dignified, and then you had to go and do that thing you do.
One of those people is Loki actor Tom Hiddleston. The other is not.
I like to keep the cosplay related to video games where I can on Fancy Pants, but some days - or even some weeks -…
That's some fine BioShock cosplay they've got going on there, both Elizabeth and...Booker's Hand.
HDR photography may make everybody involved look like giant action figures, but I'll be damned if it doesn't also…