This week learn about the history of PopCap, take a bad photo of Superman, check out the new Sims reality show, and wish the world had more Mothman statues.
Great Kotaku Content From The Past Week
This is exactly how I would decorate a big house if I was like 17 and had more money than I ever needed.
A wonderful deep dive into the history of PopCap, quietly making some of the most popular games of all time.
Incredible reporting by Ian Walker on a situation that is terrible and will probably get worse before the end of the year as more brave victims come forward with stories of abuse.
See, this is what I really want from a Nintendo fighting game, not the nonsense that is Smash.
“Mom, you didn’t get even get Superman in the Tiktok I asked you record!! I HATE YOU, MOM! I want to go back to my dad’s house.”
I believe the world would be 54% nicer and cooler if we just had a lot more Mothman and Bigfoot statues and less racist military general statues.
- Sony Invests $250m In Epic Games For ‘Further Collaboration’
- Board Game Designer Eric Lang Suspended From Twitter
- Far Cry 6 Seemingly Leaked In Hong Kong PlayStation Store Listing
- How An Accountant Earned 132,000 Gamerscore In One Month
- Last Of Us 2 Developer Condemns Online Harassment Of People Who Worked On The Game
- Sega Announces Mini Arcade Cabinet Filled With 36 Games
- Buggy Switch Game Pulled After Using Zelda Music Without Permission
- Just-Revealed Superhot Sequel Is Free For Owners Of The Original
- Crash Bandicoot Gets A New Mobile Runner, Courtesy Of King
- Tetris Is Getting A Competitive Game Show On Smartphones
- “OK” Hand Gesture Removed From Call Of Duty
- The Sims Is Getting A Reality Show Because Why Not
- Ninja’s First-Ever YouTube Livestream Draws Over 100,000 Viewers