World of Warcraft's familiar races are changing, and the new versions look pretty good. Update: Now with Gnome and…
Blizzard games have always had a little bit of heavy metal to them. So it's fitting that Chris Metzen, one of their…
Like Mists of Pandaria's Pokemon before it, the new Garrison feature in World of Warcraft's Warlords of Draenor…
Long have we loathed and admired the nameless World of Warcraft griefer at the heart of the classic South Park…
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor takes players of Blizzard's massively multiplayer online role-playing game…
Before World of Warcraft there was plain Warcraft, the award-winning, genre-defining real-time strategy trilogy.…
Way to spoil your own World of Warcraft expansion reveal, Blizzard. Spotted by MMO-Champion in the pre-stream footage for Blizzcon 2013, World of Warcraft's next expansion, as expected, is Warlords of Draenor. For more info, check out the free live stream of the convention's opening ceremony, kicking off at 2PM… Read more
Reader Craig was married in Taiwan the other day. His wedding, as you can probably guess from the headline and…
BlizzCon starts Friday, and the hype around what could be a brand new World of Warcraft expansion is already out of…
Everyone, meet René Koiter. Halloween may have been three days ago, but we just caught a glimpse of his virtuoso…
"Warcraft RTS: Alliance and Horde"—which one modder, tired of waiting 10 years for Warcraft IV, quit his job to build—just got its 1.0 release. Made with the StarCraft II editor, it's a richly detailed mod that returns the series to its long-forgotten RTS roots. Lots of details and screens here.
Computer code. It powers damn near everything in our lives at this point. But we really only ever think about it…
Award-winning composer and Blizzard dev Jason Hayes has gathered an army of prolific musicians, from session…
A maker of bot software for World of Warcraft—apps that auto-play characters and level them up—has lost a judgment…
The game once known as Blizzard DOTA changed its name to Blizzard All-Stars after a dispute between heavyweight…
Using only the sparse information provided so far by Blizzard and Legendary Pictures and a whole slew of fantasy…
The Duncan Jones-directed, possibly Colin Farrell-starring Warcraft movie will be out on December 18 of 2015,…
The cast of the big-budget, Duncan Jones-directed Warcraft movie sounds as though it's coming together, according to …
Blizzard's mobile Authenticator is a handy way to secure your StarCraft, World of Warcraft and Diablo…
Find the quest giver! The latest patch for Mists of Pandaria dropped last night and the days after a major content patch always mean pure chaos. This is the Timeless Isle, one of the new zones in the game, and the only thing that you can clearly see is that the screenshot was taken on a PvE server.