The cast of the big-budget, Duncan Jones-directed Warcraft movie sounds as though it's coming together, according to a recent report at Deadline. Among the stars reportedly in talks to take lead roles are Mission Impossible's Paula Patton, Star Trek's Anton Yelchin and Bullseye himself, Colin Farrell.
The report says that Farrell has been offered a lead role, but "sources said it's 50/50" whether he'll take it. Also on the short list for roles, according to Deadline, are Looper's Paul Dano, Vikings' Travis Fimmel, Hell on Wheels' Anson Mount.
I'm in the camp with those hoping that Ferrell takes the role—I've always enjoyed the guy, who managed not just to be the only person having fun in the otherwise dreadful Daredevil but who was so outstanding in one of my favorite movies, In Bruges. I also really liked Paula Patton in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. So hey, this is all good news!
A bigger question, however, remains: How the heck do you make World of Warcraft into a movie? One way or another, we're gonna find out.
Paul Dano, Travis Fimmel, Anson Mount, Anton Yelchin On ‘Warcraft’ Short List [Deadline]