An alternate-reality game run for Hitman enthusiasts by the developing studio's community manager has evidently come…

Actor and comedian Rob Corddry teaches us how to rebuild our brotherhood on a new viral website for Assassin's…
E.D.N. III is thawing out in Lost Planet 2, and so are the game's cases, encased in ice blocks on Massachusetts Ave.…
A month before its release, special deliveries from the BioShock 2 viral website are still showing up at people's…
And now the thrilling conclusion to yesterday's BioShock 2 telegram mystery. The folks who got a cable yesterday…
Today, certain people - we're trying to figure out why - were delivered telegrams by an old-school bicycle…
Paste your face over the fighters of Street Fighter IV with My Fist Your Face, a viral website from The Picture…
Electronic Arts is giving Mirror's Edge viral marketing the old college try, with "wanted" posters for the game's…
Well, get a load of this. Remember the E for All Expo? Yeah it's this weekend in Los Angeles and finished as of…

You know, I'm not gonna try to guess the viral marketing policies or in-house/contractor authorizations of…
And it's quite possible that this is viral marketing for the upcoming title (out in June), if not the movie (this…