When they were released in Germany, Doom and Doom 2 were immediately "indexed" into a government regulated category…
Justice Elena Kagan [back row, far right], whom Stephen Totilo said "did seem to get it" during oral arguments in Bro…
Now that the smoke has cleared and the video game industry stands triumphant over the state of California in the Sup…
Most of the time, a Supreme Court ruling has its intended effect of being the final word on laws, be they good or…
Justice of the Supreme Court Antonin Scalia defends the Supreme Court's decision to keep violent video games in the…
The Supreme Court sided with the video game industry today, declaring a victor in the six-year legal match between…
As it turns out, all that warning that violence in video games is bad for your brain may be...well...wrong.
In a University of Missouri study sure to be cited by anti-gaming pundits for years to come, researchers provide…
There's a couple of ways to look at this latest video game study out of the U.K. Either there is no meaningful link…
The Entertainment Software Ratings Board has responded to a Federal Trade Commission report that video game…
Just five percent of all games rated by the ESRB and published in 2010 were classified as M, a marginal decline from…
"I think it's beautiful," indie game developer James Silva says of the scenes of bloody violence he has hand-drawn…
On Thursday, this guy, the current governor of Kanagawa prefecture in Japan, wagged his finger at violent video…
Research that last year suggested gamers had the ability to control their dreams - or fight back in nightmares - has…
Over the past decade countless studies have arisen supposedly proving a causal link between video games, violent…
Germany's government has a rather sensitive relationship with video games. Reports of official censorship often…
One of the two experts quoted in Fox News' notorious hit-piece on Bulletstorm has clarified his remarks, and while…
A couple of days ago, psychiatrist Carole Lieberman gave a quote to Fox News about the violent upcoming game Bulletst…
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. war veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by their…
Rep. Tim Murphy discussing the Tucson shootings. We have a Constitution that prohibits government restraint of most…