We've yet to see signs that Sandy Hook murderer Adam Lanza was a hardcore gamer, let alone a fan of shooter video…
Now that we've got the right name of the killer in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre yesterday, the media…
We have yet to hear all the details on today's horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, which claimed the lives…
Towheaded and small-voiced, Felix von Perfall's countenance seems to define childhood innocence. But look into…
Like the original Dead Island, the sequel, Dead Island: Riptide won't have a German release, because that country is…
Described as "Russia's Breivik"—a reference to Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass shooter who killed 77 in…
U.S. Rep. Joe Baca, who had long wanted cigarette-style warning labels slapped on violent video games, won't be…
Gather a bunch of 50- and 60-year-olds in a focus group, show them Black Ops II's violent, self-regarding trailer,…
Downloadable games sold through the three console makers' online services will be rated by what the Entertainment…
Researchers at Keele University in England decided it would be neat if they had 40 volunteers play either a violent…
A lovely profile of the ever-fascinating game designer Jonathan Blow in the Atlantic magazine is bundled, online,…
The ESRB has a fairly detailed and complex system that determines what games are marked kid-safe and which are…
Batman: Arkham City is a wonderful and violent video game. It's rated T by the Entertainment Software Ratings…
A preteen who killed a friend inside a Georgia home was playing Activision's popular first-person-shooter before…
Forgive me, I had not heard of The Hunger Games before I posted an item about Canabalt's creator and mentioned he…
The tax on violent video games proposed by Oklahoma representative William Fourkiller has been rejected by the…
"Violent video games," a governmental classification of speech and expression that the Supreme Court found a smidge…
Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee was unsuccessful in getting his anti-video game law to remain the supreme law of the…
Ten years ago today, Grand Theft Auto III released for the PlayStation 2. It became, in the words of Time "a…
Irony of ironies, here as we are celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Grand Theft Auto III terrorizing parents…