The number of hours that gamers play is at an all time high over the past few months, according to a new study from…
Gaming's most-quoted financial analyst shared some unconventional wisdom about used games today.
News of retail giant Best Buy entering the used game market with automated trade-in kiosks failed to leave video…
Electronics retailer Best Buy is stepping on a few GameStop toes in Texas this week, using the state as a test bed…
Used games sales are the lifeblood of GameStop's revenue, so previously owned titles aren't going anywhere. But…
Which is worth more, a $15 trade-in credit or getting your used games into the hands of children who would never…
Video game retailer GameStop reports record sales and earnings for first quarter 2009, with a slight drop in new…
Legal game site, Law of the Game, has weighed in on GameStop's policy of selling games they let their employees…
The alleged practice of GameStop lending new copies of games to employees at their stores and then later selling…
A man purchasing two used Grand Theft Auto titles from a store in Gloucestershire, England, over the weekend got…
Ever sold something to GameStop? In retailer's refurbishment facility in Grapevine, Texas, used game goods are made…
Electronic Entertainment Design And Research compares used game trade-in values between GameStop and and…
Toys R Us is testing out a new program to buy used video games for store credit at some stores in the New York…
J. Paul Raines bravely faced a roomful of video game developers at this year's DICE Summit, letting them know that…
The Wall Street Journal, well aware of the current state of economic affairs, ran a story today about all of the…
A storewide liquidation always summons one's buzzard instinct. One imagines the goods strewn about like carrion on…
Gamasutra's Paul Hyman has a gloom and doom look at the used games market and why publishers are very unhappy with…
With game companies all over the world depressed about the impact used game resales have on the industry, Atari…
So yesterday saw a huge row over the issue of used game sales, specifically one writer's now-disowned call for them…
On the assumption that President-elect Obama is indeed interested enough in these issues - and with Detroit and Wall…