Seems kind of obvious to say in light of recent developments, but in an interview with Develop magazine, the Infinity…
Some of you might have noticed my "zombiedogs" snafu earlier today. "Gabe Newell" did. Well, the guy masquerading on…
Life-Size Claptrap from Borderlands, as Tweeted by Gearbox's Mikey Neumann [via Hot Blooded Gaming]
Insomniac Games boss Ted Price recently confessed he'd been ignoring the world of Internet "community" that he'd…
Thank you for your kind letters and tips, informing us that those lucky enough to gain entry into the Xbox 360 fall…
In case you missed them earlier today, our own Stephen Totilo spent some time with the preview for the next Xbox 360
Microsoft provided Kotaku with an early version of the November Xbox 360 dashboard update. I just tested Twitter…
Earlier this morning, the executive producer for the Battlefield franchise tweaked Call of Duty over Infinity Ward en…
The next Xbox Live update will deliver Facebook, Twitter and, but, Ron Popeil style, wait, there's more!…
I've always wondered if Pepsi guys, on vacation with the fams, ever pull into a McDonald's and go, the hell with it,…
As with previous major updates to Xbox Live, Microsoft is offering you a chance to try out new features like Zune…
This splash page on Xbox Live's U.K. portal says its Twitter and Facebook service will launch on Nov. 17. We assume…
Home Director Jack Buser delivered a state-of-the-software address while walking me through the new Home spaces…
Oh, Nancy Drew. Can you forgive me for not playing your PC games after that Emma Roberts film? I promise to catch up…
Browsing through Facebook on the Xbox 360 is much like browsing through the community portal on your computer -…
Microsoft announced the addition of, Facebook and Twitter at E3 2009, much to the dismay of ornery…
Not only does Mike Neumann have a lot of loot to drop, he has a lot of loot to collect between now and Oct. 20, if…
Playstation 3's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves lost some of its functionality today with developer Naughty Dog deciding…
Mikey Neumann, Gearbox's creative director, wants you to commit to Borderlands now. If his tweet is to be believed,…
An Xbox 360 firmware update went live overnight/early this morning. Although it lays the foundation for the 360's Fac…