Sony is working on a Twisted Metal TV show. The chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Tony Vinciquerra, confirmed it was in production during a Q&A with investors earlier today. Hopefully it’s a reality TV mockumentary about a contest where everyday people battle in deadly car duels in pursuit of the American dream.

Have you ever wondered who would win in a fight between a giant Rancor, Boba Fett and an AT-ST? Then you might enjoy …

Every online game dies eventually. Twisted Metal Black, the gold standard of Twisted Metal games, officially went…
I could totally watch a special episode of Wacky Races with artist Ido Yehimovitz's re-imagined video game cars…

Why do we bother putting out new games when there's so much life left in the old ones? Zandronum forum…
One of the most villainous ways to raise the fear level in a game is to throw in a psycho clown. That clown is hides…
Let me put this delicately. I don't want to see a Twisted Metal movie. But I do want to see a Twisted Metal movie…

As I played through the first single-player mission of the new Twisted Metal I felt oddly disconnected from the…
So, the new Twisted Metal game was quietly released yesterday. In honour of the affair, and the fact the game has…
The co-director of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Brian Taylor, will be both writing and directing a Twisted Metal…
After a decade of lurking in the darkness just outside of gamers' views the evil clown rides back into town, guns…

We met with a company called NKOK at Toy Fair 2012. They had a Twisted Metal toy to show us. This is how they…
Despite his fears—as only he could express them—that crowdfunding for video games could become "a dick measuring…

Out in the middle of the desert, a remote-controlled M249 Squad Automatic Weapon will unload its magazine into…
In a promotional video interview that went live on February 6th, David Jaffe included a statement that I and others…
Game designer David Jaffe has been in the news quite a bit this week. His newest game, Twisted Metal is set to…
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that David Jaffe, the mind behind God of War and Twisted Metal, is leaving Eat Sleep…