Prototype developer Radical Entertainment isn't the only studio that got the axe from parent company Activision…
MCV reports that Gem and Paramount Pictures are putting together two Xbox 360 Elite bundles to trumpet the DVD…
You'll be a sentient robot that can transform into a vehicle, and she'll play one of Hollywood's hottest young…
We don't love the "new" Transformers. Not one bit. They're too...impersonal to care about, and too spiky to cuddle.…
A downloadable expansion pack is in the works for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen which will include ten new…
Yesterday, I reported the curiosity that is the Good Mojo Achievement in Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. I…
Ten days after the release of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was released, I earned an Achievement in the…
A little over a week ago, we showed you that players of the Autobot version of the DS' Transformers Revenge of the…
Getting the most out of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen requires a steady hand, a keen eye, and the ass muscles…
In a battle between DS owners of the Autobot and Decepticon versions of the official Transformers: Revenge of the…
Activision, which really needs to learn how to space out its Transformers news, is granting fans who pre-order Trans…
Bizarre Creations third-person 2008 shooter from Sega was no blockbuster, so why does it keep coming up in…
Activision has confirmed that the all-star cast of the original Transformers Movie game and Shia LaBeouf will be…
Find out what bots and cons you'll be controlling in Activision's video game adaptation of Transformers: Revenge of…
Activision's double preview feature of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen showcased…
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen isn't due in theaters for another two months or so, but Activision endeavors to…
Here's your trailer and a few screengrabs for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Duh-duh-duhhhhhhh ...) Call me…
Activision has officially, undeniably announced that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be given a video game…