Ten days after the release of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was released, I earned an Achievement in the game that suggests the game has either slow sales, low online adoption or some other peculiarity.
When does an Achievement reveal too much?
The Transformers Revenge of the Fallen game was released on June 23, but it was 10 days later, on July 4 that I started playing the game. After completing one level, I earned the Good Mojo Achievement.
The description for the Achievement: "Make it into the Top 10000 on SP Leaderboards - Either Campaign."
In the long run, that Achievement will be a badge of accomplishment for people who managed to rack up a lot of points while playing this game. But, by definition, the first 10,000 people to both get the game for the Xbox 360, finish at least one level in single-player and connect to Live will earn the Good Mojo accolade.
So, 10 days after the game was released, 10,000 people had not yet done that. Does that reveal a slow start in sales? A low percentage of active Xbox Live connections among owners and renters of the game? Or an ignoring of the single-player campaign?
I'm not sure and have asked Activision for comment. If anyone out there is getting the game now and earning the Achievement with as little effort as I did, let us know.
[UPDATE 7/8: Activision has updated Kotaku on how this Achievement works. For more details check out our clarification post.]