We’ve heard from the other side—and my god have we heard some things—but now it’s time for the bright and shiny…
Video game store horror stories are so plentiful I had to round up a whole new batch to share all the best ones…
What once was hot is cooling; what days were long, have shortened. It’s September, and fall is upon us.
After roughly 1,200 comments and dozens of emails, I have assembled the first round of your horrible video game…
Have you ever experienced a particularly pre-order-pushy sales associate at GameStop, a seriously unknowledgeable…
Do you play League of Legends on the North America servers? Have you played since they moved to Chicago? If the game is running well—or better than it was before—let us know. If you’re having any connection issues, let us know that, too! We want to get a sense of how League is running post-move. Thanks! Read more
Hey Heroes of the Storm Abathur players, I need to ASKathur you a question. Sorry. I want to put together a guide for this strange, wonderful hero since he’s finally on free week (and because he’s notoriously difficult to master). Please let me know if you have any gameplay tips or build strategies to suggest. Thanks!
Ah, August. The height of the summer, and the graceful slide into fall.
Narrow wins, level-one teams, besting cheaters, Shiny Pokémon captures...Kotaku readers shared some of their most…
Maybe it was at a tournament. Maybe you were 12, up against an adult, or 12 and managed to exact your revenge on the…
This week I asked all you fine, potentially troubled Kotaku readers what your most impressive (most disturbing?)…
Steam refunds have only been around for a week, and it seems like a lot of people are already using them. Have you…
If your story involves some kind of homemade urinating contraption and a strict diet of whatever is within arm’s…
One big thing that sets Heroes of the Storm apart from the rest of the MOBA pack is the fact that Blizzard’s new…
Calling all League of Legends players: what do you think of Ekko? Cool? OP? Too many similarities to Transistor, or just enough? The time-traveling champ came out this week, and players seem divided on him. So let me know what you think! You can leave a comment, or send me an email at yannick.lejacq@kotaku.com. Read more
The Kotaku readership has collectively broken many, many controllers. But here are some of the better (read:…
Calling all Heroes of the Storm players: I’m putting together a beginner’s guide for the game and want to hear from you! What do you wish you’d known when first starting out in the game? Tell us in the comments below, where I’ve listed the tips I have so far. You can also email me at Yannick.LeJacq@kotaku.com.
Sometimes that boss just WON’T go down. Or there’s some really annoying kid on your team who won’t stop killing you…
Hoo-boy, have you guys done some insane things in the name of gaming! I asked you guys to share some stories of the…
You’ve probably been to your fair share of midnight launches and spent long nights replaying previous titles in…