Do you play League of Legends on the North America servers? Have you played since they moved to Chicago? If the game is running well—or better than it was before—let us know. If you’re having any connection issues, let us know that, too! We want to get a sense of how League is running post-move. Thanks! Read more

Hey Heroes of the Storm Abathur players, I need to ASKathur you a question. Sorry. I want to put together a guide for this strange, wonderful hero since he’s finally on free week (and because he’s notoriously difficult to master). Please let me know if you have any gameplay tips or build strategies to suggest. Thanks!

Calling all League of Legends players: what do you think of Ekko? Cool? OP? Too many similarities to Transistor, or just enough? The time-traveling champ came out this week, and players seem divided on him. So let me know what you think! You can leave a comment, or send me an email at Read more

Calling all Heroes of the Storm players: I’m putting together a beginner’s guide for the game and want to hear from you! What do you wish you’d known when first starting out in the game? Tell us in the comments below, where I’ve listed the tips I have so far. You can also email me at
