When Tecmo Koei brings Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (née Hokuto Musou) to North America this fall, it will be…
Having a fondness for Brad Pitt is not required to enjoy the latest tactical hack and slash from the Koei side of…
In February, Tecmo Koei and renowned designer Tomonobu Itagaki settled a lawsuit arising from their nasty split in…
In Japan, it languishes in the discount bin.
Mamiya, the village leader in the new Fist of of the North Star game, gets a new downloadable costume today. It's…
Dead or Alive Paradise brings the lovely ladies of Tecmo's fighting game series back to the tropical getaway of Zack…
Koei's latest massive beat 'em up—known as Hokuto Musou in Japan, simply Fist of the North Star for the West—will…
Tecmo Koei's Wii-exclusive third entry in the Samurai Warriors series is coming to North America this fall, with…
Tecmo Koei's latest Musou crossover, the one that blends classic manga Fist of the North Star characters with…
This month, Koei is bringing anime/manga series Fist of the North Star to the PS3 and Xbox 360. The company is best…
Even though Tecmo Koei America seems happy to market the fact that Dead or Alive: Paradise is called "cheesy" and…
The latest batch features helmet wearing bad guy Jagi, who was disfigured after trying to kill his brother, Kenshiro.
A new spate of screens for the upcoming Hokuto Musou, featuring Juza, Fudoh, and Shin. Have a look.
As previously posted, Tecmo Koei has delayed not one, but two titles: Both Quantum Theory and Trinity: Souls of…
The release of Tecmo Koei's "TPS" Quantum Theory appears to have hit a rough patch, with the publisher-developer…
Tecmo Koei is bringing the bikini-collecting, mini-game-playing thrills of Dead or Alive Paradise to North American…
Following up on Tecmo Koei's exact dating for the release of upcoming title Hokuto Musou, the company has released…
In early December Tecmo Koei announced that its Fist of the North Star game, Hokuto Musou, would be released in…
In March 2010, Tecmo Koei is bringing post-apocalyptic martial arts manga Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) to…
In March 2010, Tecmo Koei is bringing post-apocalyptic martial arts manga Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) to…