Koei's latest massive beat 'em up—known as Hokuto Musou in Japan, simply Fist of the North Star for the West—will get a little something extra when it comes westward: the extreme violence that we so desperately need.
While the newly released Fist of the North Star game with Dynasty Warriors mechanics is already bursting with blood and guts, the liquefying of internal organs and the sprays of bodily fluids may get an overhaul for European and North American consumers, according to the game's producer Hisashi Koinuma.
"There won't be any gameplay changes," Koinuma tells 4gamer.net, by way of Andriasang, "However, for overseas fans, we'll probably adjust the expressions of violence so that it's more extreme."
Good! The fountains of blood just didn't seem quite fountainous enough for my tastes!
Tecmo Koei has made a European summertime release of Fist of the North Star official, but has not yet confirmed a release for North America. Or maybe they already have and we just don't know it yet...
コーエーとしても無双としても挑戦的な「北斗の拳」ゲームは,いかにして生まれたのか。「北斗無双」プロデューサー鯉沼久史氏にインタビュー [4gamer.net via Andriasang - thanks, Witz!]