Forest Sharks: The Forest, that survival horror game with cannibalistic mutants, just got a big 'ol update with lots of fixes, changes and bug-squashing. The update includes stuff like sharks and a more dramatic scene involving your son, Timmy. Neat. Read more
But nope. Case in point: a terrifying new gameplay trailer for Darkwood, the procedurally generated top-down…
Shinji Mikami, creator of the Resident Evil series is making a new survival horror game, The Evil Within. You've…
This is the first footage from Zombie Studios' latest, a survival horrory-looking game called Daylight. There's…
The fear of the unknown is powerful. Darkwood takes that idea to heart: it's a top-down procedurally generated…
Some would contest whether or not Dead Space was ever a scary franchise, but most will agree that Dead Space 3…
As far as first impressions go, Progrestar's Facebook zombie survival game The Last One isn't doing itself any…
This infographic from sporting goods megastore REI—visiting the one in Denver was like going to Six Flags—isn't just…
Anyone who follows video games knows that action games are big — very big. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 shattered…
Not all horror video games are created equally. Some focus on creating an atmosphere of isolation and…
Paul Cuisset, the man behind the rotoscoped classic Flashback, takes a turn at survival horror with Amy, a tale of…
Nearly a year ago, the Dead Space 2 production team crowdsourced one of the game's signature kill animations, in…
Games have "gotten away from genuinely scaring the player," and Half-Life, whenever it deploys its next episode,…
I have a fear of horror films, and by extension horror games. I'm just too attenuated to suspense and having the…
Ignition Entertainment brings more survival horror to the Xbox 360 next year with Deadly Premonition, a creepy tale…
Cursed Mountain is a survival horror game for the Wii about a mountaineer searching for his lost brother. It looks…
It's unfortunate that before its launch Resident Evil 5 became about everything, but the game. The most hotly…
New screenshots for Deep Silver's upcoming survival horror title Cursed Mountain go great lengths to showing just…
Dead Space comic books. Dead Space animated films. Electronic Arts' marketing push behind their new survival horror…
"Do yourself a favor when you get the game," writes Ben Kuchera at Ars Technica. "Make the room as dark as possible.…