Super Meat Boy is a 2D game with relatively simple graphics. That's what it looks like, at least. This…
Who were the best dressed, the most memorable and the most visually striking video game characters of 2010? I've…
No, мать зовет is not "MEAT BOY" in Cyrillic. A famous piece of World War II propaganda was the inspiration for the…
Russia will be the first country to score a retail release for the PC version of super Meat Boy, and creator…
The Wii release of Super Meat Boy is looking grim, but resourceful Super Smash Bros. Brawl hackers find a way to…
The creators of PC and Xbox 360 hit Super Meat Boy have aborted the game's WiiWare release, saying they're unable to…
Science has not told us whether notoriously hard video game Super Meat Boy is tougher than notoriously hard N+. So…
Super Meat Boy is getting a limited run of actual, physical boxed copies for the PC. To mark the occasion, artist…
Super Meat Boy is a savagely difficult platformer, and those old-school bonafides gave artist TheInfamousTheft the…
Gloating that he goaded People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals into making a flash-game free advertisement for…
Do you prefer your meat pristine and untouched or vigorously beaten? Symbiote Studios has you covered either way…
Team Meat's pithy riposte to PETA's meat-is-murder complaint earlier today. Via Super Meat Boy's Twitter [thanks Nerf…
Interested in playing more games from independent developers but unsure where to start? Indie DB's list of the top…
After using its game parodying powers to transform Super Mario Bros. and Cooking Mama into vegetarian-friendly…
The Steam version of brutal platformer Super Meat Boy has been infested with Half-Life Headcrabs, the latest…
Few games would seem as suited to claymation as Super Meat Boy; it's a little surprising it took this long to see…
Minecraft guy and Captain Viridian of VVVVVV are known to be two of three playable characters exclusive to Super…
Super Meat Boy makers Team Meat reveal Mr. Minecraft, the latest indie game star to make a guest appearance in the…
Super Meat Boy? More Like Super Meat Man. Bro. By DavidRapozaArt, as seen on Rampaged Reality.
Team Meat has crushed any hopes of its sadistic platformer Super Meat Boy making a November release on the Wii. The…