Welcome to rainy, dark, electrical storm-plagued Dromund Kaas, the Sith Empire's seat of power during the time of…
Tatooine. A harsh, desert planet, filled with hives of scum and villainy. A place where it is nearly impossible to…
With a setting more than 3,500 years before the movies begin, The Old Republic filled with untold Star Wars…
Now that we've got all eight classes out in the open, here's how each of them look. I defy you to differentiate…
All eight classes of Star Wars: The Old Republic have been revealed, leaving me only one question: What the hell is…
BioWare has announced the latest playable planet for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Alderaan - an lovely place to hide…
The latest issue of German magazine PC Games spills the beans on the two final classes for Star Wars: The Old…
BioWare has updated the holonet page on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website with more information on the…
Do you idolize the grandest Moff of them all, or are you more of a fan of Zam Wessel, the shape shifting assassin…
BioWare finally reveals the Jedi Knight class for Star Wars: The Old Republic, bringing with them more than 20,000…
BioWare updates the Star Wars: The Old Republic Holonet with an entry on the planet Balmorra, the hotly-contested…
The terms of service agreement for Star Wars: The Old Republic, included in its recently announced Game Testing…
Star Wars: The Old Republic, most eagerly anticipated Star Wars MMO since the last one, is now gearing up for…
Get a chance to talk to a studio head like Greg Zeschuk and we'll ask him about everything. For a bit of news about…
Fear, anger, and hatred fuel the latest character class revealed by BioWare for Star Wars: The Old Republic, the…
If you've got the time, IGN has a four-part video series showcasing The Old Republic, in the developer walkthrough…
Humor and romance are two things you don't often associated with an MMO character class, but those are two…
With the sixth annual Penny Arcade Expo a mere month away, PAX organizers have released the full list of nearly 100…
In a blog post on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website, director of audio and localization Shauna Perry talks…
With a clash of lightsabers and a smoking Sith corpse, BioWare and Dark Horse launch Act Two of their Star Wars:…