Is every moment spent away from SOCOM 4 on the PlayStation 3 a lesson in agony and anxiety? Now available on the…
Zipper Interactive has released a new DLC pack for SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals. The "Pro Assault Pack" includes three…

Slinking through shadows solo, tossing bullet casings to distract, hiding bodies: SOCOM 4's few stealth levels…
Players picking up SOCOM 4 for the PlayStation 3 on April 19 get a bonus in the form of early access to the…
War video games let us pretend we're in movies. They may let us pretend we're in actual war, but come on, not really.

SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals is an upcoming tactical shooter for the PS3 that is in multiplayer beta. Want to know a…

SOCOM has always been a great shooter. It has also always had wonderful ways to humiliate the people to take down…
A warrior named "Forty-Five" is SOCOM 4's answer to stealth, a South Korean covert operative that can sneak up on…
Sony gives SOCOM fans a chance to gear up for the new age of motion-controlled shooters with the $150 Full…

SOCOM is a series that's all about cooperation, and in SOCOM 4 Zipper Interactive hands control of cooperative…

When I played SOCOM 4 today, I controlled it with the forthcoming PlayStation 3 Sharpshooter peripheral, a shell…

The new SOCOM is like a lot of other sequels these days. It's changed just enough to worry fans of the older games,…
Sony tells us today that SOCOM 4, for the PlayStation 3, will be out in North America on April 19.
Perhaps you want to get more use out of that 3D television or your PlayStation Move controller. Perhaps you simply…
Delayed shooter SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is coming to the PlayStation 3—with PlayStation Move support—this April.
In case the official PlayStation Move handgun wasn't powerful enough, Sony today reveals the PlayStation Move Sharp…
In this video we get a look at the full demo of the Playstation 3's SOCOM 4, which was playable at GamesCom this…
Originally due some time this fall, Zipper Interactive's SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is now penciled in for release…
Bear McCreary, the man behind a wicked-cool name and the music of Battlestar Galactica, is working with developers…
This is Cullen Gray of NATO's International Security Force. He's going to be the lead performer in the upcoming…