So many amazingly horrific entries in last week’s “food”-themed ‘Shop Contest, but the winner is a simple, iconic…
Remember when you’d go camping as a kid and sit around a campfire roasting marshmallows for s’mores? I don’t, which…
Mountain Dew’s latest limited edition flavor does not contain alcohol, but it really, really wants to.
As delicious as the court jester of the sausage world can be, fast food hot dogs are rarely worth the asking price.…
The idea behind Doritos Roulette is roughly the same idea as putting one bullet in the chamber of a revolver,…
Last night, the legendary purveyors of bread-and-cheese injection systems at Hot Pockets tweeted a photo of a bro…
Is Taco Bell’s Steak Doubledilla more exciting than an N64 at Christmas? Or how to turn a cherished childhood memory into cold hard cash, via Mr. Raccoon.
How many Oreo cookies have to die before this man’s thirst for tricksy rebounds is sated?
After a long absence, Taco Bell has returned to Tokyo. Today, a rather chic Taco Bell began serving customers.
April 19 is National Garlic Day in the States. Why not celebrate with a roasted garlic ice cream cake, chocolate garlic cream pie, or just grab a spoon and dig into a jar of roasted garlic white wine jelly. Garlic: it’s nature’s candy.
Ah, to stay young. And get totally trashed at the same time. Who knew?
Curry rice is one of Japan’s most popular—and beloved—dishes. On one side, there’s rice. On the other? Curry. But…
From the country with the most interesting Kit-Kat flavors, comes this: a Kit-Kat sandwich you can order at a fast…
These days, video games look better than ever. And if you need further proof of that, look at this highly detailed…
Let's say you find yourself hungry with loads of uncooked bacon and an...assault rifle. Add lots and lots of…
If you ever need advice on what to eat in Tokyo, you can always ask Drew Barrymore. She sure knows.
And yes, it's called the Candy Rocket.
There is no better burger chain in Japan than Mos Burger. And there is no bigger burger at Mos than this.
What kind of ramen do you expect from a game that revels in ridiculous breast physics? I guess you'd expect…