Back when we thought the Large Hadron Collider was going to kill us all, instead of just hum for a few days then…
The Natural Resources Defense Council Have...hey, look, wait. This is interesting. Because it's about your money.…
You know how it goes. You're waist-deep in physics exams, calculations and numbers out the wahzoo, and all you…
Fresh from the "Study finds violent video games do X to kids" pile, we now find — shock — playing them results in "a…
The irRegular Game of Life is a weird but fun little game (by irRegular Games) based on mathematician John Horton…
The US Army are working on fake soldiers. That are, to dumb the science down a pinch, holographic projections imbued…
Is Playing on the Wii actually any good for you? Kotaku was all over this from the start - check out our…
It's been a while since we've had a really good "video games make our children violent" study, and I was beginning…
An article in Science magazine discussing why Spore flunks various kinds of science after close scrutiny by a…
Any girl gamers reading this - move along please, nothing to see here. The BBC is reporting some dramatic new…
Is President Palmer still doing the Allstate insurance ads? Why didn't he tell us about this? It seems the U.S. auto…
Researchers in Scotland have tested the effects of Brain Age on schoolchildren. The results? Good! The organization…
While I knew that 99.99% of women would rather play video games than sleep with me, the results of a poll conducted…
It seems like we these "health researchers using Wii in study" stories about once a month but, anyway, Oxford…
Man, as a package, The Getaway sucked. But the driving parts, and the attention to detail in recreating London,…
The 'Games are making kids stupid' meme is as fresh as ever, but new research from the university of Wisconsin…
Reader Denis F. sent us a heads up about an interesting chat between Will Wright and Jill Tarter, noted…
Yes! Finally, we can put aside little misdemeanors like the Atomic Bomb and Global Warming — science is A-Ok! New…
Back in January we pointed out that research was underway in Phoenix to create a surgery-practice application using…
Japanese researchers have discovered and named a unique protein after Pikachu. The protein - Pikachurin - "plays a…