What's holographic storage? Read up on it, it'll take too long to explain here. Suffice to say, it's something that…
We mentioned Arden, the university-design MMO, a few times; a working paper has just been released that looks at…
Azeroth probably seems big when you're trotting across it, but have you ever wondered just how big? James Wallis…
Here's something fun: a bunch of scientists decided to get together and do some field research, and assembled a…
A landmark study conducted by Nielsen BASES and Nielsen Games on behalf of in-game advertising giant IGA Worldwide…
Let's take Unreal Tournament 2004. A still somewhat-popular online shooter. Now, UT2004 has two teams: red and blue.…
Very serious, very respected Aussie consumer magazine Choice ran a little test recently. They plugged a bunch of…
Stanford professor Allan Reiss published an article in the Journal of Psychiatric Research which states that women…
Congratulations, Dr. Judith S. Stern, professor of Nutrition and Internal Medicine at the University of California!…