Metal Gear is a series that’s (at least partly) about giant mecha and Cold War drama. It may be pure fantasy, but in…
Strategy games can be exciting. They can be...strategic. They can be easy, they can be hard. You might not have ever…
Using the power of math and science, Vsauce determined that an average-sized fist performing a Rising Dragon Fist…
Railguns are an actual real thing, but for most people, they’re just a killer gun they used a lot in Quake. Which…
Do violent video games make people more aggressive? Politicians and pundits have been asking that question for years…
Archaeologist Andrew Reinhard has dug through humanity’s past among ancient ruins in Greece. These days, though, he…
Video games look really good when there are vehicles moving, guns firing and buildings exploding. Something they…
If you’re in greater Tokyo and are looking for something to do, may I suggest walking through a giant anus? It’s for…
As we’ve talked about before, arcologies aren’t just wacky buildings from the future of a video game. They’re an…
This week, the world has looked on with awe as the New Horizons probe sent back the first ever detailed pictures of…
A Natural History of the Fantastic is a book that takes a bunch of the world’s most popular monsters and mythical…
First they’ll take our jobs. Then they’ll take our Mario.
Are there kids out there who think the real world actually works like Minecraft? Geoscience Australia, a department…
Hear that? It’s the sound of magic being sucked out of the world as colorful ponies break their spines falling from…
A recent multi-year study of German gamers might cast doubt on the idea that sexist content in video games can…
Industrial design student Jackson Gordon, who we saw in February putting his actual armoured batsuit through…
You always see gotta-go-fast superheroes punching people when they fight bad guys. And, yeah, a fist delivered at…
The folks over at Dorkly ranked 26 scientists from various video games, comic books and shows based on their…
If you haven't used one of the newer virtual reality headsets before, and you're tired of reading everyone's glowing …
Well, there was a rocket crossed with a helicopter in real life, kind of: the Roton, which is the inspiration…