Staff cuts have struck Sega London and San Francisco today, as an email from Corporate Operations Officer Masanao…
As seen on a third-floor wall of San Francisco's intriguing Hotel des Arts.
If you are 21 and older and going to be in the San Francisco area on Monday October 12th, then Capcom might want…
Renowned Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu rocked San Francisco last Saturday along with Grammy award-winning…
If you missed Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu in Seattle last weekend and you don't have tickets to this…
With the game so close week can taste it, Capcom has decided to ditch the secrecy concerning their national Street…
If you'll be in the San Francisco Bay area this Friday and seek to experience the exciting world of video game…
Next time we want a hands-on with a Frogster product we might not have to travel to Germany, as the Berlin-based…
Giant Robot specializes in "Asian American Pop Culture & Beyond," which means that this is the store to go to to…
Just a scant hour ago I made the trek down to the Powell Street GameStop to take in the midnight launch of Metal…
And it's quite possible that this is viral marketing for the upcoming title (out in June), if not the movie (this…