Several gamers on BioWare's social forum are reporting that they recently took a survey for Dragon Age III. Above is…
What should have been a harmless little interview with a video games website has turned into something of an…
OnLive, the pioneers of cloud gaming, are in dire straits and are preparing to file for a form of bankruptcy, a…
The latest Mortal Kombat may be conspicuous in its absence from arcades in the West, but there are reports surfacing…
It's been one hell of a week for Valve rumors, but unlike the silly Half-Life 3 speculation that was floating around…
Here's a rumor about Half-Life 3, via a game listing for this week's Gamescom show. Here's good reason to be skeptical.
An eBay seller is attempting to offload what they're calling a "Microsoft XBOX Durango Development Kit". At time of…
Why has Nintendo been so reluctant to announce a release date (let alone price) for the Wii U? Sources close to UK…
An image that allegedly shows off Kinect 2 has hit the internet. It not only shows improved depth perception, but a…
This afternoon's great PopCap mystery may now be a little less mysterious: a Canadian industry source with ties to…
Editor's Note: Imagine that there are secrets about video games buried under the soil on which you stand. The…
This is going to sound like one of those stories in which a friend of a friend heard something from a janitor's…
Given the fact these may well be placeholder images, don't read too much into them, but just in case they're the…

Were it not for the core Half-Life series itself, Black Mesa: Source - a fan-made remake of the original Half-Life…
Valve's Source Engine has been powering the company's games for nearly a decade now, having made its debut all the…
This image is reportedly our first look at a brand new Prince of Persia game. It was posted by a user on Ubisoft's…
True or not, a baseball team owned by an aging Japanese magnate, two weeks after trading away a Japanese national…
A listing in the monthly Xbox Live Rewards roundup hints that NBA Live 13 will see a digital release when it…
Someone seems to have pried apart the data files for the private, early access PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale…
Face it: the minute Capcom releases a new Monster Hunter game on the PS Vita, Sony will sell a bajillion PS Vita…