If the Hollywood rumor mill is to be trusted, Star Wars: Episode VII may already have its writer.
I suppose this was inevitable. When you have eSports, with all the markers of professional sports-superstars,…
A Polish website has posted images of what they say are real promotional posters for Grand Theft Auto V. The posters…
Excited for the upcoming November release of the Wii U? New reports out of China might curb that enthusiasm. These…
Skyrim's next DLC could be taking us back to the world of Morrowind, the third game in Bethesda's popular RPG…
You might be wondering what has happened to Prey 2, the delayed shooter that Bethesda was supposed to release this…
Kotaku has heard from a source that, beginning tomorrow, the Xbox 360's 250GB configuration, and the 4GB bundle that…
Back in February some concept art, purportedly from Valve's next new game, leaked in this video uploaded to YouTube.…
Achievements and trophies added in yesterday's patch for the PC and PS3 versions of Borderlands 2 hint at a new…
While everyone gets excited over Firaxis' very-promising XCOM remake, it's easy to forget that there was once anothe…
According to a report from Korean news outlet JoongAng (translated by VentureBeat), one of the country's biggest…
EA Sports plans to include real-life NFL referees in Madden NFL 14, according to two different sources close to the…
While Nintendo made public announcements earlier this morning about the Wii U's price and release date in Japan,…
South Korea's NeoWiz has been working on a MMORPG version of Mega Man, dubbed Rockman Online (Mega Man Online).…
Rumor out of GameStop's annual expo in San Antonio says EA Sports representatives told attendees that NBA Live 13…
Earlier this summer, a trailer for Mass Effect: Paragon Lost, an animated Mass Effect 3 prequel, was released. As…
The official release date for the Wii U may have just leaked today during a presentation by gaming accessory-maker…
Numerous Japanese sites are speculating that The World Ends with You is iOS bound. Earlier today, Square Enix…
According to Chinese site NetEase, iPhone 5 parts are floating around Shenzhen, where the device is supposedly…
If you're Japanese and you're in Korea, you might want to check your email or play some computer games. Good thing…