According to documents filed on the UK’s Companies House registrar, Crackdown 2 developer Ruffian Games is now…
Crackdown 2 is getting two new gameplay modes, one free and one not, with the release of the Deluge Pack today.
Crackdown 2 players who downloaded the newly released Toy Box add-on for the Xbox 360 game are finding their games…
Ruffian Games and Microsoft detail the Toy Box add-on for Crackdown 2 today which adds the eagerly anticipated Keys…
Crackdown 2 poses a question players have subconsciously been answering since their first contact with a controller…
You know, I was playing Perfect Dark the other day, and thought to myself, "Man, you know what this game needs? More…
Microsoft may have slapped a time limit on the new Crackdown 2 demo, but that won't stop the internet, with users…
The Crackdown 2 demo goes live today, giving players a jump on their retail version achievements and extra goodies…
Seems we're getting a Crackdown 2 demo later today, which has accelerated levelling, 4-player co-op and even…
Crackdown looks like a cartoon. I guess. With the cel-shading and everything. Not sure it needed an animated…
Kotaku Talk Radio will be recording live from CBS Radio on Wednesday. 11am Kotaku Time. 1pm ET. 10am PT. Hosts:…
Good news, Crackdown fans: The signature voice of the 2007 Xbox 360 game is back for this summer's sequel. Better…
My morning Crackdown 2 appointment started awkwardly last week. Double-booked. Game not running properly due to a…
Ruffian Games' sequel to Xbox 360 hit Crackdown will feature scores of mutants and highly customizable playable…
Crackdown's Pacific City sure ain't what it used to be. The buildings got crummier, and the cop's armour got better.…
It's hard to get an accurate feel for the Rocket Tag online multiplayer mode for Crackdown 2 when every time I try…
Crackdown 2's X10 showing last week wasn't rife with new information or details, but it did give us a,…
The first Crackdown had one of the best demos of all time. So it stands to reason that its sequel will also let…
You're already likely well aware that 2010 should be a better year for Xbox 360 games and exclusives, but did you…
Developer Ruffian Games is calling for user-made "awesome" graffiti to include in their upcoming game, Crackdown 2,…