Crackdown 2 is getting two new gameplay modes, one free and one not, with the release of the Deluge Pack today.
Before you download the pack, you'll have to decide if you want to pay for the Crackdown's version of Horde mode or if you're fine with getting just the game's take on capture the flag. In Deluge mode up to four players try to survive increasingly difficult waves of enemies in Pacific City.
Here's the deal. The free trial version of the Deluge Pack comes with the complete Capture the Orb mode, essentially 16-player capture the flag for Crackdown 2, as well as a single player, sample version of the Deluge cooperative mode. The 560 Microsoft Points full version of the Deluge Pack comes with both the Capture the Orb and Deluge modes as well as new achievements and avatar awards.
Both the free and pay versions of the Deluge Pack also adds integration between Crackdown 2 and upcoming Windows Phone 7 tower defense game Crackdown 2: Project Sunshine. Following the download of the Deluge Pack, and release of the mobile game, scores in Deluge will unlock new weapons upgrades on the phone.