Ethan is the main protagonist of Resident Evil Village. He has a rough life, what with all the dangerous monsters…
In my Resident Evil Village review, I said that the scares were a little light for an installment in the popular…
I remember vividly the first time I played one of my favorite games of all time, Resident Evil 4.
While many players keep occupied with seeing as much of Resident Evil Village as its one-hour demo allows, some…
Resident Evil: True Director’s Cut is a patch made by Deli295 for Capcom’s original horror classic that wants to be…
Resident Evil Village has a demo, but it’s been a stupid mess, with limited windows to play it and early access on…
Resident Evil Village the video game? Seems scary! But the puppet show? Absolutely adorable and totally messed up.
Resident Evil Village has some confusing demo nonsense, with limited times and different windows of availability.…
During today’s Oculus Gaming Showcase, executive producer Ruth Bram shared more information on the upcoming virtual…
In 2014, it was revealed that Mamoru Samuragochi, who was called “Japan’s Beethoven,” was not actually deaf. What’s…
It absolutely rules that a contingent of Resident Evil fans woke up today bummed that they missed the chance to try…
Towards the end of the Resident Evil showcase, Capcom finally released a full-on trailer for the upcoming Netflix…
Capcom held a special Resident Evil showcase to share some information about the upcoming Resident Evil Village,…
Capcom has officially closed the investigation into the ransomware attack against its servers from late last year,…
Capcom has shut down the Resident Evil Re:Verse beta hours into its scheduled three-day test run after hiccups with…
PureArts are releasing this 1:1 scale bust of a Resident Evil Licker, which they say is, “One of the most disturbing…
On February 2 The Division 2 received its latest update, Title Update 12.1, which added a bunch of Resident Evil-them…
So we were off by a bit!