Wii sales have been relatively sluggish this year. That's changing as the Wii with its new price-cut heads into the…
Nintendo's announcement of the Wii Vitality Sensor at E3 was met with some amount of befuddlement and a heap of…
Today ends our weeklong Chain Interview, with EA's chief defending his choice in cars and Nintendo's president in…
Despite some signs of trouble earlier this year, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told Kotaku why…
Nintendo's announcement of the Wii Vitality Sensor was one of the most mystifying product announcements at the show.…
In an interview with Kotaku, the president of Nintendo of America discussed the Wii's new motion-control…
Nintendo has wrangled in Tecmo's Team Ninja to develop upcoming Wii title Metroid: Other M. Team Ninja is best known…
This year, Nintendo's E3 media briefing will be all "about the games," with promises from the Wii maker that we…
When publishers are asked if their upcoming game supports downloadable content, they typically hem and haw, noting…
WiiWare supporters looking for killer apps to define Nintendo's downloadable game service shouldn't pin their hopes…
When asked about when Mother 3 would be coming to the States, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said…
Despite a stonewall of no-comments from Nintendo, and increasingly bizarre behavior by amateur developer Robert…
You might think that Nintendo doesn't care about you, long-time Nintendo customer, but it does. That's what reader…
Nintendo announced its "Launch Schedule of Primary NINTENDO Products by Region (Jan. 2009~)" for Japan, The United…
If you're feeling a bit neglected by the folks at Nintendo of America, now that it's at the top of the console…
So Reggie Fils-Aime popped off to Forbes this past week, saying developers should shoulder the blame for the…
Not that this will concern any/many of you, but hey, you might have some Christmas shopping to do for that special…
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime spoke at today's BMO Capital Markets Interactive Entertainment…
Ever wonder why Disaster: Day of Crisis dropped off the map? Might be because it sucks. That's what Reggie's worried…
There might be Wii shortages this holiday season. Even though Nintendo stated it is increasing supply, company…