Okay, let's say, for snots and giggles, that the little girl Bayonetta meets is 100 centimeters tall. How tall…
With the game days away from release in Japan, the SEGA Bayonetta marketing blitz continues. The latest are these…
PlatinumGames' sexy shoot 'n' kick fest Bayonetta made headlines earlier today for securing a "perfect" 40 out of 40…
Not Sarah Palin, don't start, we're not going there again, no Sarah Palin, no, no, no. Bayonetta designer Hideki…
The top 11 entries to a fan-art contest for Bayonetta mostly make the upcoming game's heroine look like the sex…
You've heard about the difference between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Bayonetta; now see them for…
Yes, there appears to be a discrepancy in the graphics for the PS3 and Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta. SEGA wants to…
While I personally don't think this is something to get up worked up about, some folks might be interested in…
HOLY CRAP! We are so surprised! You may want to hold own to your socks for this bombshell. We'll wait. Ready? Okay,…
The Sarah Palin/Bayonetta jokes are officially played out, by decree of the Platinum Games designer Hideki Kamiya.…

If you'd like to recreate my Bayonetta hands-on experience from Tokyo Game Show, watch this Japanese commercial…
The PlayStation 3 version of PlatinumGames' Bayonetta has become somewhat of a point of contention, given that the…
Bayonetta, like many games, has a soundtrack release planned. This title's soundtrack, though, is bigger than most.
Don't blame PlatinumGames too much for the potential failings of the PlayStation 3 version of Bayonetta. According…
Beautiful, famous women in Japan get photo books. Bayonetta heroine Bayonetta is a woman, beautiful and famous. And…
Black and white and red Wii title MadWorld was made by Japanese developers, but wasn't announced for The Land of…
You know Bayonetta. She's the star of Bayonetta. Funny how that works! We've already discussed about the making of…
Maxim and Sega are teaming up to find a real-world Bayonetta.
It's a regular occurrence. Open my email, and time after time, there the question is, staring me in the face: How…
When Sega of America opted for a January 2010 release date for Bayonetta—which hits Japan end-of-October—we thought…