Sex sells, but what about combining sex with guns, magic hair, gigantic bosses, and over-the-top action? The…
PlatinumGames, the team behind classy brawler Bayonetta, have announced that an art book for the game is to be…
Platinum Games has concocted a new brand of action hero in Bayonetta, an angel-slaying witch with long legs, long…
Now that Sega has shipped Platinum Games' infinite climax action game Bayonetta to stores, the third release from…
Sega's official street date for the PlatinumGames-developed action game Bayonetta isn't until January for North…
It's funny, these clips are a lot like the game: emphasising how old fashioned the whole thing is, then making you…
Bayonetta has been released in Japan, and with its game already out and receiving stellar reviews, developer…
Platinum Games wheeled out this pointy lady to play through Wii title MadWorld at an Chun Soft and Spike event in…
If you missed out on early access to Sega's Bayonetta demo your disappointment comes to a close next week, when…
What do folks in the UK, France, Spain, and Australia have to look forward to should they spend a little bit more on…
Hideki Kamiya, designer of Bayonetta, created Okami back when he worked at Capcom's Clover. In the recent issue of…
Sure, she's got long black hair and librarian glasses. But it wasn't always that way.
You might want to hang onto those holiday video game gift cards a bit longer than normal, as Sega confirms the…
With the time difference, right now Bayonetta is out in Japan. You might not live in Japan. You might not know…
V, the Japanese gonzo adult video maker behind titles like Would You Like To Get An Enema Until You Poop? and I Saw…
Halloween is just around the corner, but you've still got time to make a sweet Bayonetta costume to prance about in…
Apparently, upcoming Platinum Games title Bayonetta features unlockable secret costumes like this witch outfit and…
That was fast! It was announced on Friday that enormous Bayonetta posters covered with fliers would be going up in…
Okay, let's say, for snots and giggles, that the little girl Bayonetta meets is 100 centimeters tall. How tall…
With the game days away from release in Japan, the SEGA Bayonetta marketing blitz continues. The latest are these…