This kickin' trailer shows the 30+ games that will be on display at the Indie Megabooth at PAX Prime next week in…
This kickin' trailer shows the 30+ games that will be on display at the Indie Megabooth at PAX Prime next week in…
The 25th anniversary celebration for Final Fantasy will kick off in a couple of weeks, a few months short of the…
The Penny Arcade gang aren't exactly known for their tactful and effective approach to gender relations. But PAX,…
Comedian Nathan Barnatt, in his performing persona of socially awkward Keith Apicary, was removed from PAX East this…
The International Dota 2 Championships will be held during this year's Penny Arcade Expo, Aug 31 to Sept. 2, the…
Boston is my birthplace and always my home, but I haven't lived there since late 2005. So for three years and…
Protesters around the world are commemorating today's May Day with rallies in support of workers and against the…
Moments of grace are few and far between at a hectic conference like PAX East, but this photo of the Prince from Kata…
I found this guy on the show floor at PAX East, dressed up like Altair from Assassin's Creed and boasting his very…
Book One of Adam Rippon's Dragon Fantasy was non-stop 8-bit nostalgia. Book Two doubles that.
The founders of Penny Arcade pulled a fast one on one of their most notorious foes this weekend, hitting Paul "Ocean…
PAX East 2012 is no more. Legions of gamers have returned to their nests. Boston is finally at peace.
It's not just young ladies in revealing outfits who were being asked to leave PAX over the weekend. Grown men in…
Word is that Jessica Nigri, a big-time cosplayer hired to portray the protagonist of Lollipop Chainsaw, was asked to…
Mark of the Ninja doesn't look like your average stealth game. You won't be hiding in cardboard boxes or waiting…
You can see many of the ideas behind what would become indie gem Bastion in its original 2009 prototype, which…
PAX has given us a new trailer for upcoming multiplayer shooter Hawken. Thanks, PAX. Giant mechs shooting the shit…
It's not the first industry expo of the year, but it is the first with cosplayers. Inside we've got shots of Tingle,…
You might be looking at that image and thinking, "Why the heck doesn't Nathan Drake have a head? What is he…
Back in March, I found a new reason to get excited about the Xbox 360 version of Mincraft. Namely, split-screen…