Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic adventure for the PlayStation 3 looks brilliant, but I haven't developed quite the…
Vlambeer’s great mobile game about highly aggressive angling is one of the best iPhone games to come out this year.…
Get it right, people: the women who’ve worn the mantle of the Femme Fatale in Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillip’s…

You'll get to have multiple versions of the Dark Knight fighting against each other later this year when the just…
So you all read the latest issue of Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples' awesome sci-fi family drama and thought I was…
Right now, it looks like dev studio NetherRealm is trying to account for as many of DC Comics' heaviest hitters in I…
You might be among the legions of readers who loved Brian K. Vaughan's classic Vertigo series Y The Last Man or are…
A couple of weeks ago, you might've seen Superman kill the Joker in cold blood in the prequel comics that build the…
I love Alfred Pennyworth. And, man, it sucks to see him weeping in Batman and Robin #18.
In what might seem a wee bit familiar to fans of a certain city-building video game, the folks at ComiXology have had…
Between now and 11pm ET on Tuesday, March 12, you can download some 700 first issues from Marvel Comics for free.
Who was expecting the relaunch of 1990s comics imprint Valiant Comics to be one of the best things to happen to…
This panel tells you all you need to know about Age of Ultron #1. The staging in the panel immediately communicate…

First, Bravoman appeared in Japanese arcades in the late ‘80s. Then, the obscure Namco character showed up in a…

Deadpool is my second-favorite Marvel Comics character. Seeing him come to life (courtesy of IGN) at the hands of…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
I heard from many of you after this lip-curling, anti-Atlantean tract last week, in which I explained my soft…
Paul Pope hasn't been hiding. You can find the writer/artist behind such acclaimed works as Heavy Liquid, Batman…

It is axiomatic that any statement prefaced with "I don't have a prejudiced bone in my body," is said by someone…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…