I have to admit that—of all the “who’d win” nerd arguments over the strength of pop-cultural metahumans— the Man of…
In the near-future of Brian Vaughan and Marcos Martin’s The Private Eye, there’s been a meltdown of social…
Fans of the next chapter of the Airbender saga got a look at the series’ next printed installment earlier this year.…

What's LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Superheroes Unite got that Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight triology doesn't? How…
What if our worst fears about the coming wave of video game hardware come true? What if it means the death of…
Infinite Crisis—the free-to-play MOBA that takes place across the DC Comics multiverse—goes into closed beta today. If you haven't signed up already, you can do so here. Read more
What's that you say? Today is Free Comic Book Day? Why yes, I'll have that copy of Tales to Astonish #27 then. Oh, so some are free, but that one isn't. OK. Well, then why don't you call it "Free Comic Book Other Than Tales to Astonish #27 Day"? (Find your nearest participating store.)

Gazillion Entertainment throws open the doors to Marvel Heroes this weekend, giving Iron Man fans across the…
I loved Comics Alliance, the AOL nerd-culture site that was just shuttered this week. Over at The Beat, Heidi MacDonald has a great write-up about why the site mattered, what might be next for its former staffers and what its closing might portend for other similar outlets.
The Movement #1 - I was skeptical about The Movement at first back when DC comics announced it as part of a pair of…
Yes, yes, Mass Effect fans: we know that you’ve got your Normandy t-shirts, your small replicas and big models of…
DC’s been putting out a crankier, less friendly version of the Justice League in the comics tying into the newly…

The greatest comic book battles aren't between heroes and villains. You can catch Batman punching out the Joker's…
Today is Superman’s 75th birthday. (Lois Lane’s, too!) And, yes, that Man of Steel trailer is great. Count me among…

I can name every one of the 18 Iron Man armors buildable in Gameloft's official movie tie-in, coming April 25 to iOS…
So far, Matt Fraction’s writing on Hawkeye has been shot through with a rough-and-tumble, devil-may-cay energy,…
Everything is better with comic books. This is a universal truth, and it's doubly universally true for the Mass…

Worlds Collide—the long-brewing mash-up between Sega’s Hedgehog and Capcom’s Blue Bomber—finally kicks off this…
Yesterday, all of the internet was ablaze with the news that Saga #12—Image Comics' sci-fi adventure drama by Brian…
Tomorrow’s Saga #12—the latest issue of Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’ critically acclaimed series—won’t be…